First published on FanFiction.Net in September of 2007, "Custody" is a fan fiction story based off of the popular animated cartoon series "Teen Titans" that aired on Cartoon Network from 2003 to 2006. The original show followed characters Robin, Cyborg, Raven, Starfire, and Beast Boy, five super powered teens fighting for "Truth, Justice, and Pizza" as the tagline would say.
Wildly regarded as one of the best animated shows of the decade, "Teen Titans" delved beyond the simple plot of 'fighting the bad guy'. It dealt with issues of growing up, trust, insecurity, family, and ultimately the bonds of friendship. Each character was a unique individual with their own worries, their own problems, and their own ways of dealing with their life that was vastly compounded by the fact that they were superheroes.
"Teen Titans" was primarily based off of the DC Comics' title "The New Teen Titans", originally written in the 1980's by Marv Wolfman and George Perez. Though based off of the much earlier predecessor, "Teen Titans" was a fresh look that introduced many kids and teenagers to the titular characters of the show while also remaining true to the original message of the 1980's hit. That message? That true friendship can overcome any obstacle and that your friends are the family you choose.
"Custody" was written as a blending of the "Teen Titans" continuity and the DC Comics realm, focusing primarily on the character of Robin, the Boy Wonder, who must find the link between a series of robberies occurring in Jump City (Home of the Titans) and pyro-technic murders occurring in his original hometown of Gotham City. However, Robin's biggest problems are not necessarily the string of criminal acts, but rather an ever growing fight with the Dark Knight.
Arguably one of the most famous crimefighting pairs in history, the Dynamic Duo have not always been on the best terms with one another, disputing over methodology, relationships, and what it means to be dedicated to being a 'hero'. Building off of these issues, "Custody" focuses on what it means to be a family, in particular, a father and a son, as Batman and Robin must overcome the hurtles that come with Robin growing up.
In the midst of all of that, though, there is someone who threatens to destroy that bond and will stop at nothing to see it obliterated from existence.
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